A Human Being Died That Night is now available as a Mariner Books Classic.
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Professor and Research Chair, Stellenbosch University

History, Trauma and Shame : Engaging the Past through Second Generation Dialogue
History, Trauma and Shame provides an in-depth examination of the sustained dialogue about the past between children of Holocaust survivors and descendants of families whose parents were either directly or indirectly involved in Nazi crimes.
Adam Levin has written a review of the book here.
Research Spotlight.

Digital Exhibition: Through the Eyes of Survivors of Apartheid
I would like to share with you a digital exhibition that is based on excerpts from the stories in the book These Are the Things that Sit with us. The digital exhibition is presented in photographs of the storytellers, text from excerpts of their stories, voices of drama students reading the stories, and images and artefacts associated with the storytellers’ experiences during apartheid. Third year students from the Visual Arts department at Stellenbosch University were invited to choose a story from the book and to present their responses in visually creative ways. The result has been extraordinary drawings and animations produced by the students. A few of the students’ artwork have been posted online and can be accessed here. With this project, our goal is to share insights with scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds, and to expand the domain of inquiry on trauma and to place apartheid trauma in the centre of these debates.